Saturday, April 6, 2013

And The Roads Came Tumbling Down

Minneapolis Bridge Collapse, 2007
          The infrastructure in America has been steadily falling apart since its birth. The road, bridge, and train systems are the veins of America, where each destination is another heart. They lead the traveler to their point of arrival, hopefully with ease and speed. The quality of a country's infrastructure is a good indicator of its wealth, and economic health. Having money to spend on improvements of highways, and streets directly parallels the well-being of a country. It is no surprise then, our infrastructure is in need of repair, just like our economy.
          Following the War of 1812, Henry Clay introduced his economic plan, the "American System." The main principle behind this plan was it's call for expanding the country's road, and canal systems. At a time where Nationalism was high, the United States did not want to turn to Britain's laissez-faire economic policy, but instead provide subsidies for internal improvements which would cultivate agricultural advancements. Our country needs a new "American System."
The ASCE Report Card for Rhode Island
         On March 29th, 2013, President Obama discussed our country's need for infrastructure improvements. Across the nation, our roads and railways are lacking, but first lets look at the small scale, the smallest scale there is for a State, Rhode Island. According to the ASCE's (American Society of Civil Engineers) 2013 Infrastructure Report Card, 70% of roads are "poor or mediocre quality", this in turn takes $467 from the pocket of a Rhode Island driver. Let's turn the bridges of Rhode Island, 20.6% are "structurally deficient", and 33.7% are "functionally obsolete."The shape of Rhode Island's infrastructure also mirrors the fiscal standing of the state, meek. This year the US received an astounding D+ from the ASCE's Report Card, which is quite a step up from the 2009 ranking of a D. These grades are a clear indicator of the lack of initiative there has been to improve the infrastructure throughout America.
          Rebuilding our infrastructure would provide for thousands of jobs, jumpstarting our economy and improving our means of travel.

For more information on the infrastructure throughout the Country visit the following: